mmm’13: week 4 and then some

i, lisa g. of notes from a mad housewife, sign up as a participant of me-made-may ’13. i endeavour to wear me-mades at least 4 times a week for the duration of may 2013.

the links below are to my original blog posts; my posts have links to pattern info. only so many link-making hours in the day, peeps…

so may is technically longer than 4 weeks, but i have no intention of boring you with a 5th outfit post. you’re welcome. so… what have i learned? well i’ve learned that despite the fact that i put my hair in a pony tail almost every day i still don’t know how to do it stylishly. what? oh… what did i learn about my sewing and wardrobe? sorry… okay last year i really started to focus on making things that i needed and that would get daily wear. for me, that means casual tops, casual dresses, and casual bottoms. what can i say. i’m a stay at home mom, so most of my daily wear needs to be kid-friendly. i try to inject a little fun into my wardrobe and keep it above the sweatpants and ratty tee look.

as far as identifying any gaps… i did notice that i’d like to have a few more woven tops (grainline’s tiny pocket tank and scout tee), a skirt or two (another moss mini, then maybe megan nielsen’s kelly skirt), some thurlow pants (slenderized and cropped), and while i’m at it, i love the knit dresses i have and could use a couple more of those! but, overall, it’s nice to see that i have been able to fill out my everyday wardrobe. just a year ago i didn’t have most of the garments you’ve seen this may. i only committed to wearing four makes a week, but i managed closer to six or seven; MMM or not, this is how i dress all the time now. in fact my husband commented one day: “you look weird; you’re not wearing anything you made.” ha! it was meant (and taken) as a compliment. so yeah, if you run into me on any given day most likely something i have on is self-made; and it is so satisfying to have gotten to that point!

well, as you can see, i have some unblogged items to get to posting on… yay for not having to take daily pics anymore!!!

—lisa g.

mmm’13: week 3

i, lisa g. of notes from a mad housewife, sign up as a participant of me-made-may ’13. i endeavour to wear me-mades at least 4 times a week for the duration of may 2013.

the links below are to my original blog posts; my posts have links to pattern info.

sorry i’m so late on posting week 3! the hassle of taking and posting daily pics is showing… that and i can’t seem to keep track of what i wore on which day. thank goodness for digitally embedded dates! last week up ahead… finish line, here i come!

—lisa g.

mmm’13: week 2

i, lisa g. of notes from a mad housewife, sign up as a participant of me-made-may ’13. i endeavour to wear me-mades at least 4 times a week for the duration of may 2013.


the links below are to my original blog posts; my posts have links to pattern info. only so many link-making hours in the day, peeps…

still holding strong! truth be told, i wear my me-mades a lot. this last year i’ve made an effort to make useful pieces and it’s nice to see that effort pay off. obvs, documenting is a problem… sorry for all the selfies, and bad ones at that! i make no promises to improve. hey, points for being realistic? i do wish i could document the outfits the rest of the family is wearing—it seems like every day at least someone else in the family is wearing a me-made. maybe next year i’ll up the ante and share more of that!

—lisa g.

mmm’13: week 1

i, lisa g. of notes from a mad housewife, sign up as a participant of me-made-may ’13. i endeavour to wear me-mades at least 4 times a week for the duration of may 2013.

thoughts… last summer i made several casual everyday type items that i wear a lot, but never actually blogged. most of them are not all that exciting, but the great thing about MMM is celebrating and showing off our makes (however humble) to a crowd that actually appreciates it. somedays i walk out the door wearing the most basic me-made items and part of me wants to go up to every stranger and be all “check it ooouuut… i MADE this t-shirt! whaaaat? how awesome am i?!” i suspect they would look at me as if i were crazy. and they should. but you guys totally get it! so yeah, i’m glad i took the plunge and signed up this year.

—lisa g.